Making a Blog with Rust and Org-Mode (2019-02-09)

The joys of Rust, Tera, and CSS

I've been meaning to use the domain for a while now, and I wanted to keep learning Rust, so this blog was born. I'm happy with the result, but by god, it was a journey. This article will detail the challenges and successes of making this website. For reference, it's built with:

  1. Rocket 🚀 (Rust Web Framework)
  2. Tera (Fast templating language/engine, similar to Jinja2)
  3. Bootstrap (CSS framework)

And the steps taken, ordered by pain:

  1. Getting the CSS/templates looking right (~5 hours)
  2. Making the rust blog portions and testing them (~4 hours)
  3. Getting Google Cloud Platform/Cloudflare setup (~3 hours)
  4. Learning how Rocket, Bootstrap, and Tera works (~2 hours)
  5. Further modifying emacs to work better (~2 hours)
  6. Setting up my VM, and not fork bombing it (~1 hour)

So by my estimate, it took about ~17 hours of real work to get it built and deployed. If I had spent more time on step 4, the other steps may have gone faster 🤷.

So, let's get into making the website.

We'll cover the basics, then model the website in Rust, then make the Tera Templates + CSS, and then finally deploy it in production.

Getting Started

Rocket makes it pretty quick to get a website started. The simplest rocket project would involve:

0 - Making sure you're on a nightly toolchain:

➜  rustup toolchain install nightly
➜  rustup default nightly

1 - Making a new project

➜  cargo new my-rocket

2 - Adding rocket to my-rocket/Cargo.toml

rocket = "0.4.0"

3 - Adding the rocket route & server launch in my-rocket/src/

#![feature(proc_macro_hygiene, decl_macro)]
extern crate rocket;

fn hello() -> &'static str {
    "Hello, world!"

fn main() {
    rocket::ignite().mount("/", routes![hello]).launch();

4 - Running the project (cargo run), and view localhost:8000 in a browser (or just curl it) (images aren't supported yet 😅)

➜ curl localhost:8000
Hello, world!%

(the % is just indicating there's no newline at the end)

Actually Making the Site

There's three pieces to talk about here: Rust/Rocket, Tera/Bootstrap, and Production.

  1. For Rust/Rocket, we'll need to figure out how to represent the website, and then wire things together.
  2. For Tera/Bootsrap, we'll need to figure out to make and style the content.
  3. For Production, we'll need to figure how to get certs for HTTPS, and how to serve our content.

If you just want the code, you can take it from the first commit of this website.

Representing the website with Rocket/Rust

As this website is mostly static, this part is pretty easy. There's six easy pieces:

  1. to parse our org HTML files.
  2. to store all things context (eg. site name, my email, etc).
  3. to map URLs to functions.
  4. to setup rocket & present it to
  5. to be an entrypoint, and start the Rocket server.
  6. to test our site and make sure its working right.

The code should be easy enough to understand, but lets look at the most important bit is SiteContext:

/// SiteContext represents the entire context required to render
/// this website. See [get_base_context](crate::context::get_base_context)
#[derive(Serialize, Debug)]
pub struct SiteContext<'a> {
    /// base is the static key-value context of the website.
    /// All of the information in base comes from
    pub base: &'static SiteContextKv,
    /// kv is the dynamic key-value context of the website.
    pub kv: SiteContextKv,
    /// blog is all blog related items, see [OrgBlog](crate::context::OrgBlog)
    pub blog: &'static OrgBlog,
    /// curr_blog is the current blog article, if applicable.
    pub curr_blog: Option<&'a OrgModeHtml>,

An instance of this struct is passed to every page. The page then uses the constituent parts to render different things. For example, the links in the navbar at the top use base to set the hrefs, and actually link you to other parts of the site.

Most routes then look like this:

fn blog_index() -> Template {
    let context = get_base_context("/blog");
    Template::render(get_template("/blog"), context)

We tell rocket to call this function when it sees /blog. The function then gets the base context for /blog, and renders the /blog template.

Note that special care was taken to move most of the David Briggs specific stuff to So if you want to fork this site, you can do more or less edit that (and the templates).

As there the org-mode parsing libraries weren't quite what I wanted, I ended up parsing the exported org html. I just grab the major sections and stick them into OrgModeHtml. Eventually I'll either make my own parser or pray someone else does.

Templating With Tera & Bootstrap

Tera is a django style templating engine for HTML. It lets us conditionally render our HTML (among other things). This can let us do things like underline blog in the navbar above. There's a variable which tracks the URL path above and navbar uses it to underline the relevant section.

Tera has a bunch of features, but the key ones are:

  1. Extending templates to add/adapt content generically (think: sidebar & main content)
  2. Including templates for always present content (think: HTML head & navbar)

Currently, the root document in this website is:

<!doctype html>
        {% include "head" %}
            {% include "navbar" %}

            {% block content %}
            {% endblock content %}

            {% include "scripts" %}

We see that head, navbar, and scripts are always present. This makes sense for this mostly static website.

The block content is more interesting. It doesn't actually do anything here, but we can extend base.html.tera and define the block in other files to add content.

So lets extend it, by making the skeleton for this blog article:

{% extends "base" %}

{% block content %}
<div class="container-fluid blog-font">
    <div class="row">
        <nav class="col-md-3 … whole bunch o css …">
            <div class="sidebar-sticky monospace">
                <ul class="nav flex-column">
                    <div class="… whole bunch o css …">
                        {% block blog_sidebar_title %}
                        {% endblock blog_sidebar_title %}
                    {% block blogsidebar %}
                    {% endblock blogsidebar %}

        <main role="main" class="col-md-9 ml-sm-auto px-4">
            <div class="… whole hunch o css …">
                {% block blog_title %}
                {% endblock blog_title %}
            <div class="float-left blog-article">
                {% block blogcontent %}
                {% endblock blogcontent %}
{% endblock content %}

Now, you may be thinking thats a whole lot of spaghetti David, and you're right, but lets read through this.

First, we extend base, which lets Tera know which file to use when rendering the HTML.

Next, we redefine {% block content %} so Tera can copy/paste the stuff in it into base.html.tera. We use bootstrap here to define two vertical sections (see col-md-2 and col-md-10). That's the sidebar to the left, and the blog you're currently reading on the right.

We also define some more blocks, which we'll finally extend to make the blog content:

{% extends "blog/blog_base" %}

<!-- -------------------- Title -------------------- -->

{% block blog_title %}
<h4 class="monospace">{{ curr_blog.title }} ({{ }})</h4>
{% endblock blog_title %}

<!-- -------------------- Sidebar -------------------- -->

{% block blog_sidebar_title %}
<h6 class="monospace">Table of Contents </h6>
{% endblock blog_sidebar_title %}

{% block blogsidebar %}

<ul class="nav flex-column">
    {{ curr_blog.toc | safe }}

{% endblock blogsidebar %}

<!-- -------------------- Content -------------------- -->

{% block blogcontent %}

<div class="container bordered">
    {{ curr_blog.html | safe }}

{% endblock blogcontent %}

Phew, we've made it. This is the stuff that renders what you're currently reading.

As before, we are extending another file (blog/blog_base) and filling in blocks.

The {{ }} bits are variable expansion. Rocket passes a struct containing the information for this blog (we saw this above), and we insert it into the document. The {{ xyz | safe }} tells Tera not to escape the HTML given.

For example, notice how we've filled in blogcontent with { curr_blog.html | safe }}. That's me, you're reading. That's the org-mode HTML main content.

But that's enough on this topic, lets get this thing in production!


This part is actually pretty easy. I use Caddy to serve the content as it makes getting certs ridiculously easy.

The entire production configuration is just:


proxy / localhost:8000

tls {
    dns cloudflare

The important bits are the first line ( and the proxy line.

Caddy uses the domain along with Lets Encrypt to get certs for HTTPS. It then proxies Rocket, forwarding all request to localhost:8000.

On the VM I just have two tmux sessions, one which holds Caddy and the other holds Rocket.

Then the process to deploy the site is:

  1. cargo test and git push
  2. git pull to get the latest stuff
  3. cargo build --release
  4. tmux attach -t 0 and ./
  5. tmux attach -t 5 and ./

I tried at one point to automatically update the website, but the hot-reloading process more-or-less fork bombed my server. What would happen is the hot-reload script would git pull my website, pkill -USR1 caddy to reload it. But the git stuff takes time and happens in a subprocess, so this would end up spawning many, many processes. I actually had to run sudo kill -9 … in a loop to kill them.

I then ran my website through Googles Page Speed Tool and got a lower score, so I setup CloudFlare. The process was surprising easy, and ended up saving me money by not using Googles Cloud DNS. I'm now at 96/100, which is good enough for now.

And we're deployed. That's it â„¢

Thanks for reading,

David Briggs ([email protected])